“You make the world a better place by making daily improvements to become the best version of yourself.”―Roy T. Bennett
Almost a month ago I have come across this book called “The Inner Engineering “ a yogi's guide to joy by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Isha Foundation. When I picked, it almost seemed like a philosophy or life story to me.
But when I started reading this book, I came to know how beautifully it is written. This is not a book but simply an assignment that helps to get the tune to our very own Inner nature.
Reading this book will help you to uncover the layers and assist you to know yourself, connect yourself and deal with the world.
I have read many self-help books but right now I can say if you are looking for something to read which is specific, exactly related to your own life and something that pushes you to come out of your "Comfort Zone" then definitely this is the one.
The first part of the book describes how we are responsible for our "Situations and Experiences".
The second part (my favorite one) is just like an exercise that will make you understand how easily we underestimate the simple things of life.
It covers the section like Body, Minds Energy, and Joy.
PS: In case you are planning to Gift something to dear ones then definitely this book would be worth.